Sunday, 20 June 2010

Craft fair

I've been building up to a craft fair for ages, and held one this weekend at a local college. It was quite hard work getting it all set up, but it was an interesting experiment. I think we didn't really have the right crowd; kids and artistic people loved my stall but your normal boring browser didn't know what to make of dragons, goblins and crows! I think I need to find a better way to sell my stuff to the right people. Anyway, I was quite pleased for my first ever effort. Anyone who doesn't know, I have quite a few health problems so it was a big achievement to do this! Here are some pics:
Not the best setting for my stall of curiosities; in front of a computer room! It's me on the far right btw!

My favourite things on my stall, little pond fairires:

Here's some other things I had for sale. They're still avaliable, so if anyone wants to buy anything, just let me know;) !:
I've a few more piccies to add so check back...... Let me know what u guys think :)

Monday, 7 June 2010

Hospitals fucking suck.