Friday, 29 January 2010

Tommy and his Little Gas Mask

HIIIIIIII!! I'm back after a new year break, and this is my first main project of the year....

I've been commisioned to make a doll of this character, for a writer. He's called Tommy and, well, he's got a little gas mask. Check out this awesomely bizarre video on youtube:

There is also, randomly, a band making really dark and brooding music over at:

 I think I'll make the doll free-standing and fairly simple. He'll have flexible arms and I might try to make a real leather gas mask.... yeah good luck with that junk!

This is a great little project and I'll post my doll on here a s soon as it's finished. If anyone lese has any projects for me, let me know!

Friday, 1 January 2010

Happy new year!

Happy new year to my followers! I'm getting used to this blog thing and lots more cool stuff is to come this year!